Sunday, April 12, 2009

Welcome Notes For Wedding Guests Templates

Design and Development Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems Unit 4 Assessment

Purpose This unit provides educational guidelines, for students to characterize and initiate design of learning environments supported by an interactive multimedia system (IMS)

Achievement Competition

The student select and outline the elements necessary to design a learning environment SMI. Content

I. Elements of Visual Presentation
II. Steps for designing a SAMI
III. Production stage IV
SAMI. And software applications used in a SAMI

Learning Activities

A. Initiation
a) Explore your disk or teacher's platform called Weblog and review the instructional material of the Unit III readings to develop the Block III.

B. Presentations Activity Monitoring Digital I
a) to support subsequent readings on the design, development and design of a SAMI, search your disk Digital Display Unit III or directly to the blog of Professor (Unit III). And watch the following presentation:

I. Elements of the visual presentation

C. Arias Critical Reading Activity II
complete the following readings:
a) M. Arias (2006) Elements of visual design. Successful presentations. National Open University. Caracas.

b) Bianchini, A. (1992). Methodology for the development of educational applications in multimedia environments. Job promotion to the rank of Associate Professor in the School of Systems Engineering at Universidad Metropolitana. In: ~ abianc / mmm.html

c) Chacón, F. (2000). Weapon as a course on the web. Teacher's Guide. National Open University. Caracas.

d) Marquis, P. (1995) Educational Software. Use & design methodology. In: % 20metodologia% 20for% 20the% 20of% 20softwa 20elaboracion% re% 20 educativo.htm. PDF Material Teaching. National Open University. Caracas.

e) Sigüenza, J. (S / f). Design of multimedia educational materials in virtual teaching and learning. In: ml. Material PDF. (Read only Pag 10 to 16 and 113 to 123)

f) Montano. (2005). Design of computerized learning activities (AAC) via free tools. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Teaching Materials PDF. Caracas.

D. Activity II Discussion (Face) and the Whole Team to

a) In the class sessions as a team of 3 to 5 participants exchanged views arising from the readings and presentations. Collectively raise the summary, conclusions and common arrangements in reference to the subject.

b) presents the views individual and the group in a plenary

E. Activity III Evaluation Strategy. Task 3

a) Make a digital picture with the pre-design of its prototype multimedia. Emphasize the educational criteria, technology and interaction and communication of its prototype. We suggest using Power Point tool.

b) The presentation is face with a video projector


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