Course Development and Evaluation Unit 0
La Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, En conjunto con la Subdirección de Docencia del Instituto Pedagógico “Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara” de Maracay ofrece dentro de Programa de Profesionalización el curso: Elaboración y Evaluación de Software Educativo.
El curso está ubicado en el primer semestre del plan de estudio y tiene un valor de tres (3) unidades crédito, para una duración de quince (15) semanas de trabajo académico bajo la modalidad de aprendizaje combinado presencial y a distancia, denominado Blended Learning. El curso esta planificado con ocho (8) sesiones presenciales y 7 en ie distance line with a frequency-to-face assistance every two weeks. It is estimated the development of five (5) units of work. Details regarding the distribution of time for course development, as specified later in the schedule for implementation.
This course has been organized with the aim of providing the participant an overview of the importance that they have the technology and telematics, for the design, production and evaluation of systems and multimedia learning environments, also called educational software. With the purpose of delivery of instruction and interaction in three levels) of teachers with their students, b) students with students and c) digital content with the student. Rationale
In the framework of the latest contributions to science and technology teaching digital and virtual, which derive the theories and approaches to learning, instruction and theory and applications of technologies communication and information. These epistemological built in education, geared to teachers when designing, developing, using and evaluating these environments and educational resources assisted by technology, in order to achieve learning actually entered in the students, all within a wide range, so as to cover the different types of education: schooling, no schooling, and distance (Aguilar 2006).
Using digitized and telematics technologies in the design of learning environments in the context of educational institutions in Venezuela, has the effect on teachers assume the role of designer, planner and manager of the teaching process. Similarly means as Bates (1999) decision-making designer Educator assisted learning environment for technology, ranging from choosing the right combination of tools virtual operating in the context of performance of teachers and students. To respond equitably and pedagogical aspects of using the technology, which will allow the delivery of instruction, interaction and educational communication between the subjects of the educational process. Therefore, the teacher has to develop multimedia educational software systems, assess the possibilities and limitations of this medium to teaching conceptual analysis and practical design and implementation contribute to the educational process (Amorós and Rodriguez, s / f; Bravo , 2002). Purpose
facilitate and guide information relevant, that allows participants to design develop and test environments and multimedia resources for learning, both in the context of schooling, such as not attending school. Meta
That the students during their participation in the course, design, evaluate programs and educational multimedia software environments for computer-assisted learning and / or telematics. Competitions
1. That the student is integrated into an effective collaborative team learning and achieve the creation of an enabling environment for academic work throughout the course.
2. The student identifies legal, as general conceptual design, implementation, development and evaluation of multimedia systems associated with learning environments assisted by technology.
3. Apply approaches to behavioral learning, cognitive and constructivist, and structural foundations for the design and development of instruction.
4. Design environments and resources for computer-assisted learning and telematics.
5. Evaluating the contribution of information technology and communication design and development of instruction.
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