Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Course Development and Evaluation Unit 0


La Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, En conjunto con la Subdirección de Docencia del Instituto Pedagógico “Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara” de Maracay ofrece dentro de Programa de Profesionalización el curso: Elaboración y Evaluación de Software Educativo.

El curso está ubicado en el primer semestre del plan de estudio y tiene un valor de tres (3) unidades crédito, para una duración de quince (15) semanas de trabajo académico bajo la modalidad de aprendizaje combinado presencial y a distancia, denominado Blended Learning. El curso esta planificado con ocho (8) sesiones presenciales y 7 en ie distance line with a frequency-to-face assistance every two weeks. It is estimated the development of five (5) units of work. Details regarding the distribution of time for course development, as specified later in the schedule for implementation.

This course has been organized with the aim of providing the participant an overview of the importance that they have the technology and telematics, for the design, production and evaluation of systems and multimedia learning environments, also called educational software. With the purpose of delivery of instruction and interaction in three levels) of teachers with their students, b) students with students and c) digital content with the student. Rationale

In the framework of the latest contributions to science and technology teaching digital and virtual, which derive the theories and approaches to learning, instruction and theory and applications of technologies communication and information. These epistemological built in education, geared to teachers when designing, developing, using and evaluating these environments and educational resources assisted by technology, in order to achieve learning actually entered in the students, all within a wide range, so as to cover the different types of education: schooling, no schooling, and distance (Aguilar 2006).

Using digitized and telematics technologies in the design of learning environments in the context of educational institutions in Venezuela, has the effect on teachers assume the role of designer, planner and manager of the teaching process. Similarly means as Bates (1999) decision-making designer Educator assisted learning environment for technology, ranging from choosing the right combination of tools virtual operating in the context of performance of teachers and students. To respond equitably and pedagogical aspects of using the technology, which will allow the delivery of instruction, interaction and educational communication between the subjects of the educational process. Therefore, the teacher has to develop multimedia educational software systems, assess the possibilities and limitations of this medium to teaching conceptual analysis and practical design and implementation contribute to the educational process (Amorós and Rodriguez, s / f; Bravo , 2002). Purpose

facilitate and guide information relevant, that allows participants to design develop and test environments and multimedia resources for learning, both in the context of schooling, such as not attending school. Meta

That the students during their participation in the course, design, evaluate programs and educational multimedia software environments for computer-assisted learning and / or telematics. Competitions


1. That the student is integrated into an effective collaborative team learning and achieve the creation of an enabling environment for academic work throughout the course.

2. The student identifies legal, as general conceptual design, implementation, development and evaluation of multimedia systems associated with learning environments assisted by technology.

3. Apply approaches to behavioral learning, cognitive and constructivist, and structural foundations for the design and development of instruction.

4. Design environments and resources for computer-assisted learning and telematics.

5. Evaluating the contribution of information technology and communication design and development of instruction.

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Software: Integration of Participants


integration This unit will enable students to foster a collaborative work environment for learning, without losing sight of the potential for groups and individuals.

Achievement Competition

The student should be integrated within an effective collaborative team learning and achieve the creation of an enabling environment for academic work throughout the course. Facilitator

Carlos Antonio Rojas. Informatics and Telematics specialist in distance education. Social studies teacher, classroom teacher first and second stage. Director of the National Educational Unit San Mateo (Aragua). Visiting Professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Coordinator and facilitator of the program of professionalization of Aragua State University sponsored by the Experimental Simón Rodríguez (CEPAP).

Course Content

Unit 0: Integration of Participants
Unit 1 Legal Aspects of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in Education
Unit 2 The Virtual Learning Environment and Multimedia Systems
Unit 3 Design and Development Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems Unit 4 Assessment
Design Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems Unit 5 Development
Design of Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems

Content Integration Unit O
I. Integration of the teacher and students
II. Course information
III. Establishment of effective learning teams.

A. Integration activity

a) Presentation of the teacher and students

b) Explanation of the teacher's academic plan

c) Explain the blended learning mode of study and schedule

d) Establish guidelines for opening the students of the collaborative tools located on the Web to deliver learning and communication.

e) Establish effective collaborative learning groups.

f) on your computer download the Adobe Reader to visualize PDF documents on your disk.
g) Locate the folder on your hard Download Adobe Reader click on the application and download to your PC. If it does not request in Google: Download Adobe Reader or go to a cyber download it save it to a removable disk (pen drive or CD) and install it to your computer.

h) Create a free Gmail account full name pseudonyms Question in Google: create a Gmail account.

i) Send an email to the teacher to have your email

j) Create an account at Slide Share ask for it in Google, for you to put your digital presentations

k) Create a YouTube account to download and put your videos.

l) After you send the email to the teacher expects to be invited to the Discussion Forum.

B. Materials Exploration

a. Explore your hard drive I Introduction Digital or
Professor Blog
b. Notes the submission of Tutorial Create your blog

c. Follow the steps and create your Blog

d. Send an email to the teacher with the URL ie address of your blog

e. Appends Blog your classmates and teacher to your blog and creates the Virtual Learning Community (Put this title)

f. Now you can publish your work on your blog with texts, images, digital and video presentations.

g. Send an email to the teacher to be invited to the discussion group page, a site which is the virtual forum.

View Assessment Plan and Schedule of classes in the Discussion Group

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Unit 1 Legal Aspects of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in Education

Purpose This unit allows the discussion and conceptual organization in relation to the legal aspects of ICT in Education, according to Venezuelan law.

Achievement Competition

The student shall state and describe the legal aspects concerning the use and application of ICT in education. Content

I. Constitution of the Republic of Venezuela: Art 108 and 109 and 110,
II. Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents
III. National Youth Law
IV. Decree 1290
V. Decree 825
VI. Telecommunications Law

Learning Activities

Materials Exploration

a) Explore your disc and the teacher's platform called Weblog and review the instructional material, learning activities and assessment and evaluation plan course schedule.
b) Check the contents of the Unit I located discussion forum and on disk.
A. Critical Reading
activity I complete the following readings:
a) Legal Foundations of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in education (guided reading Articles then you have to go deeper with subsequent readings)
b) Constitution Article 108 and 109
d) National Youth Law
e) Decree 825
f) Decree 1290
g) Telecommunications Law

B. Activity II Discussion (face) and the Whole Team

a) In the class sessions as a team of 3 to 5 participants exchanged views arising from the readings. Collectively raise the summary, conclusions and common arrangements in reference to the subject.
b) Make an outline of the legal standards of ICT in Education.
c) presents the views of the group in a plenary

C. Activity III Assessment Strategies Task 1

a) Make a digital concept map with the insight gained from the readings and discussion on Legal Aspects of the Use and Application of ICT in Education and publish it on your blog. We suggest using Power Point tool. Up to two slides.

b) Post on Blog a description of the item Legal Aspects of ICT in Education , leaning on the concept map.

c) Give your reflection in the discussion forum and clarifies other opinions.

d) Send e-digital presentation of the teacher. Be sure to place your data Name full first and last

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Unit 2 The Virtual Learning Environment and Multimedia Systems Unit 3


Purpose This unit will allow students to identify the concepts of learning environment and multimedia computer both as telematics.

Achievement Competition

The student will identify and describe the conceptual aspects of the use application in the education of learning environments and multimedia systems. Content

I. Learning Environments
II. Educational Multimedia Systems
III. Benefits Selection and Classification and Limitations of Educational Multimedia
IV. The hypertext and hypermedia

Learning Activities

A. Initiation
a) Explore your disk or teacher's platform called Weblog and review the instructional material, learning activities and assessment, assessment plan and course schedule.

b) Review the content of Unit I on the disk and in the discussion forum.

B. Presentations Activity Monitoring Digital I
a) to support subsequent readings on the multimedia system, search your disk, the folder of Digital Display Unit II or directly on the blog Professor (Unit II). And watch the following presentations:
I. Multimedia hypertext-
II. Telematics and Informatics Frameworks
III. The Multimedia in the Teaching-Learning Process

C. Critical Reading Activity II
complete the following readings:
a) J. Duarte (2003) Learning Environments. A conceptual approach. Revista Iberoamericana de Education. Retrieved April 9, 2009 in

b) Aretio García, L. (2007). Types of learning environments in ead. Editorial Bened. Retrieved March 18, 2008 in

c) Marquis, P. (1999). Educational Multimedia: classification, function, advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved March 13, 2009 in

d) Duarte, A. Cabrero, J. Almenara and Romero, R. (S / f). Computerized instruction and simulated: hypertext and hypermedia. Universidad de Sevilla. PDF Material.

e) Bravo, C. (2002). The multimedia system in the educational process. PDF Material.

f) Bates, A. (1999). Technology in open learning and distance education. Mexico. Trillas. PDF Material.

g) Bartholomew A. (1998). Multimedia systems in education. National Open University. Teaching Materials PDF.

D. Activity II Discussion (face) and the Whole Team

a) In the class sessions as a team of 3 to 5 participants exchanged views arising from the readings and presentations. Collectively raise the summary, conclusions and common arrangements in reference to the subject.
b) Make an outline of the conceptual aspects of multimedia systems, hypermedia, learning environments, information technology and telematics.

c) presents the views of the group in a plenary

E. Activity III Strategies Evaluation. Task 2

b) Make a digital scheme with input obtained from multi-and hypermedia systems, learning environments and use of informatics and telematics in education. We suggest using Power Point tool. Up to three (3) slides.

c) Post on Blog the digital display (with the tool Slide Share)

d) Make a presentation to the digital text.

e) Give your reflection in the Discussion Forum discusses and clarifies the views of your peers.

f) Send e-digital presentation of Professor Do not forget to put your data Name CI

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Design and Development Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems Unit 4 Assessment

Purpose This unit provides educational guidelines, for students to characterize and initiate design of learning environments supported by an interactive multimedia system (IMS)

Achievement Competition

The student select and outline the elements necessary to design a learning environment SMI. Content

I. Elements of Visual Presentation
II. Steps for designing a SAMI
III. Production stage IV
SAMI. And software applications used in a SAMI

Learning Activities

A. Initiation
a) Explore your disk or teacher's platform called Weblog and review the instructional material of the Unit III readings to develop the Block III.

B. Presentations Activity Monitoring Digital I
a) to support subsequent readings on the design, development and design of a SAMI, search your disk Digital Display Unit III or directly to the blog of Professor (Unit III). And watch the following presentation:

I. Elements of the visual presentation

C. Arias Critical Reading Activity II
complete the following readings:
a) M. Arias (2006) Elements of visual design. Successful presentations. National Open University. Caracas.

b) Bianchini, A. (1992). Methodology for the development of educational applications in multimedia environments. Job promotion to the rank of Associate Professor in the School of Systems Engineering at Universidad Metropolitana. In: ~ abianc / mmm.html

c) Chacón, F. (2000). Weapon as a course on the web. Teacher's Guide. National Open University. Caracas.

d) Marquis, P. (1995) Educational Software. Use & design methodology. In: % 20metodologia% 20for% 20the% 20of% 20softwa 20elaboracion% re% 20 educativo.htm. PDF Material Teaching. National Open University. Caracas.

e) Sigüenza, J. (S / f). Design of multimedia educational materials in virtual teaching and learning. In: ml. Material PDF. (Read only Pag 10 to 16 and 113 to 123)

f) Montano. (2005). Design of computerized learning activities (AAC) via free tools. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Teaching Materials PDF. Caracas.

D. Activity II Discussion (Face) and the Whole Team to

a) In the class sessions as a team of 3 to 5 participants exchanged views arising from the readings and presentations. Collectively raise the summary, conclusions and common arrangements in reference to the subject.

b) presents the views individual and the group in a plenary

E. Activity III Evaluation Strategy. Task 3

a) Make a digital picture with the pre-design of its prototype multimedia. Emphasize the educational criteria, technology and interaction and communication of its prototype. We suggest using Power Point tool.

b) The presentation is face with a video projector

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Design Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems Unit 5 Development

Purpose This unit provides educational tools for students to construct assessment tools for designing a learning environment supported by a multimedia system interactive (SMI).

Achievement Competition

The student select or to set up an instrument for assessing the design of an SMI. Content

V. Elements of Visual Presentation
VI. Steps for designing a
SMI VII. Production stage SMI
VIII. And software applications used in a SMI

Learning Activities

A. Initiation

b) Explore your disc and the teacher's platform called Weblog and review the instructional material of the Unit III readings to develop the Block III.

B. Critical Reading Activity
Search your drive Unit IV or directly into the blog of Professor (Unit IV). Make the following further reading on the evaluation of a SAMI:

a) Marion, P, and Harvey, D (1994). Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems. Technology Department Education. Faculty of Education University of Laval - Quebec.

b) Dorrego, E. (1994). Production model for formative evaluation of instructional media, applied to video and software
Universidad Central de Venezuela. In: Material

c) Marquis, P. (2004). Template for the documentation, evaluation and use in context of web pages. UAB.
In: Material PDF.

d) Amorós, L. and Rodriguez, M. (S / f). Description of an Instrument for Assessing
Educational Multimedia. In

e) Zapata, M. (2003). Evaluation of a learning management system. National Open University. Caracas. PDF Material.

C. Activity II Discussion (face) and the Whole Team

a) In the class sessions as a team of 3 to 5 participants exchanged views arising from the readings and presentations. Collectively raise the summary, conclusions and common arrangements in reference to the subject.

b) presents the individual and group opinions in a meeting.

D. Activity III Evaluation Strategy. Task 4

a) Make an assessment tool for pre-design of its prototype multimedia. We suggest using the Paint tool.

b) Post on Blog the instrument and a textual description or explanation of it.

d) Give your reflection in the discussion forum and clarifies other opinions.

h) Send the instrument to the teacher's email Be sure to place your data Full Name

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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